Crafted in small batches to celebrate local and seasonal vegetables, fruits and unique native herbs, with a Māori inspired twist. With no added artificial ingredients or colours, our condiments pep up the flavour of all sorts of dishes and add flair to cheeseboards and platters.
Kamo Kamo Pickle
A traditional Māori food staple, Kamokamo is a unique New Zealand heritage vegetable, with a green and white speckled skin. This squash has a mild, nutty flavour and is rich in potassium, zinc and fibre. We pick them from the vine when only just ripe for our bright, golden KamoKamo Pickle.
Kamokamo vegetable pickle
Kamokamo pickle
Manaaki Real Foods
Black Doris Plums are locally grown and picked when ripe (just before the birds discover them). All we do is remove the stones and simmer them with a dash of sugar and a unique peppery blend to create the sweet, spicy flavour of our Piripiri Plum Chutney.
Piripiri Plum Chutney
Manaaki Real Foods
KawaKawa Jelly
Kawakawa is Aotearoa’s version of a native bush basil, with aromatic, peppery-minty flavour notes and renowned health properties. Also found in our native forests, Horopito leaves have a hot peppery taste that adds warmth and complexity. It’s the base for our own Piripiri spice blend.
KawaKawa Jelly
Manaaki Real Foods
Horopito & Feijoa Chutney

Our Feijoas are foraged from the backyards of friends and whānau, ensuring only the best are selected. We blitz the whole Feijoa and blend it with Horopito, Lemon and a blend of spices to create a delectable Chutney.

Horopito & Feijoa Chutney
Manaaki Real Foods
Using superior quality, locally grown garlic from Garlico, gives our sauce the depth of flavour that sets it apart from others.
Horopito & Garlic Sauce
Horopito & Garlic Sauce
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